Alexa Traffic Rank What is it ?
Alexa in simple words consist to compare your website with all the other websites on the Internet,in other words Alexa is a system of measure of a website's popularity, it takes into consideration two things : has a very critical role now present, it shows how your website is popular wich means once you have a good classment in that will mean that your website is on the good way and you will try only to go forwad and keep it up in that way.
Alexa as said above is most important factor after google pagerank, as a resault it becames a desir of every single blogger to get a high ranking.
1st : the number of visitors
2nd: the number of pages viewed
Alexa as said above is most important factor after google pagerank, as a resault it becames a desir of every single blogger to get a high ranking.
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